For Yours Is. . .

 ". . . For Yours is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever."

 I love this triumph as we get to the end of our prayer!

The Kingdom is us. We belong to God, and we as His church need to be ready to go and do whatever He had called us to. He needs workers that will be faithful and do their jobs. We have a mission to expand the boundaries of God's kingdom to where they belong.

Sometimes that's simple and great, but a lot of times it's hard and scary.

But God has power. He is stronger than anything we will ever have to face- even our own fear! He IS fighting on our behalf, and He WILL save us. I tend to be defeatist. But even I have to acknowledge that God has never failed me. The fact that I'm still on this earth instead of buried in it, speaks to His power in saving people.

He has power to save us, and He doesn't waste it.

And for that we glorify Him. Usually when we glorify something, we're making it seem better than it did before. We might even exaggerate to make said thing, whatever it is, seem really great. But the fun part of glorifying God is that we cannot exaggerate Him! All we can do is acknowledge the big, good, strong, sacrificial, just, merciful, creative, . . . holy. . . God that He is. And because He is so incredibly other, we will never run out of things to praise Him for!

Which is weird, cuz I run out of things to say all the time.

Actually, I just don't start, usually.

You know, I've often found that when I do start glorifying God, I get on a roll.

But I think that for myself, getting stuck down here is a big problem. I often get in places where all I can see is gray, and glory doesn't really seem to be a thing that actually exists anywhere. What joy? If He's powerful, why do I feel trapped? If He's so other, so beyond, then why am I so confined by my circumstances?

But when I make myself acknowledge what is true and good, the gray gets cleared away, just a bit, and I can catch a small glimpse into the warm, golden, glorious light of Heaven. Then I can start to see the holiness of God, and as I continue, glorifying God is less of a chore and more of a helpless honor. I am privileged to be able to walk straight up to God, in His throne room, for Pete's sake! and talk to Him. And once I see Him there, just being who He Is, how can I do anything except ascribe glory to Him? Because it's all true.

I belong to Him. He is glorious enough to deserve all my praise. He is powerful- stronger than everything.

That's all.


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